Coalescencia_01: Este no es un lugar

Coalescencia_01: Este no es un lugar

Noche de Museos

The Centro Cultural de España en México in hosting Noche de Museos. The exhibitions will be open until 10pm and the CCEMx will present special tours of its installations as well as Coalescencia_01: Este no es un lugar; a spell of practices curated by Enrique Arriaga.

It is a cycle of choreographed improvisations for the CCEMX transit spaces. It arises from an interest in reintegrating elements of various artistic practices, in a free and open way, for the development of a collaborative piece that focuses on the performative exercise and whose result is unpredictable.

Coalescence is the ability of things to merge with others into one, it is also a spell of practices from an intuitive, playful and experimental perspective, which through collective improvisation induces co-participation, adaptation to the conditions of the moment, exchange. between the participants and the transformation of the present continuum.

Participate Artists: Claudia Luna, Juan Pablo Villegas, Ricardo Pohlenz and Valentina Díaz.

This is not a place

A body is not a body, it is a sum of bodies. A place is not a place, it is a sum of places. It breaks and structures, rises in blows and figures of meaning. List each of his faults, each of his merits. Valentina Díaz is in charge of the movements. Claudia Luna, of forms. Ricardo Pohlenz, of the voice. Juan Pablo Villegas, of noise.

This is not a place, it is not a performance, nor a reading, nor a concert, much less a sculpture exhibition, but the coalescence of all of these and none. It is a choreographed, rehearsed and at the same time improvised score. It is a spell of voices, sounds, objects and bodies in motion: actions and non-actions that are directed towards the absurd to reach an epic ending.

— The Cultural Center of Spain in Mexico