
The MUSA, Museum of the Arts, is one of the instances of the University of Guadalajara dedicated to cultural promotion. As a university museum, its focus is on the understanding, dissemination, and enjoyment of the most relevant artistic expressions.

Past exhibitions and events

Coliseo by Orlando Torres Canela

Coliseo by Orlando Torres Canela

Book presentation

-> May 18

525 gramos. Jill Magid: la transformación de Luis Barragán

525 gramos. Jill Magid: la transformación de Luis Barragán

Book presentation

-> Sep 7 2022

Affordances: perceptions and possibilities of materialityad

Affordances: perceptions and possibilities of materialityad


-> Jun 23 2022 – Sep 25 2022

Eduardo López Moreno

Eduardo López Moreno


-> Dec 11 2021 – Feb 13 2022

Christian Bendayán

Christian Bendayán


-> Nov 26 2021 – Mar 26 2022

Carlos Martiel

Carlos Martiel


-> Sep 24 2021 – Oct 31 2021