

KI: Potencialidad Indeterminada


-> May 16 2024 – Jul 16 2024

Galería Hilario Galguera i421 presents the exhibition KI: Potencialidad Indeterminada by YupicA. Access by the central patio of the Hotel Andaz/ Hotel Mondrian.

Ki, meaning 'vital energy' or 'life force' in Japanese, is a fundamental concept in Japanese culture and tradition. The exhibition explores this concept through the works of the artist, who, with his vision, forged by his childhood in a Tokyo suburb, invites us to reflect on the connection between all things, the invisible force that animates them and the potentiality between all entities.

YupicA explores matter without restrictions, mixing colors, rice or fragments of time with various materials, from sculptures, resin painting, photography, rice photography and projection-installation. 

— Galería Hilario Galguera