Yeni Mao

Yeni Mao

Innumerable Fires

Campeche presents the second solo exhibition at the gallery of artist Yeni Mao.

Yeni Mao's Innumerable Fires in Campeche problematizes notions of danger and security with respect to the architectures we inhabit, whether public or private spaces. In a physical and symbolic sense, the former is usually conceptualized in relation to threat and the latter to protection. In contrast, Yeni Mao rearticulates the various dynamic interactions that constitute both spaces and the bodies that occupy them.

The title of the exhibition alludes to the material interrelationships of the human being (body and soul) with the mineral and natural world; which can also be read in relation to the various forms that fire (from the Latin focus) can take: as the center of domestic warmth, combustion when interacting with other materials, or the state of physical change that its presence implies. The latter is a major concern in the artist's practice, seen as the transition from one state, concept or space to another. All the pieces in the exhibition were created through antagonistic processes and unexpected mixtures of materials, becoming one and several things at the same time. Held in a semi-figurative and semi-abstract latent state, they allow for constant reconfiguration.
