-> Mar 6 – Apr 26
Galería Enrique Guerrero presents the show Daimones by Renard.
With each sense that falls a presence rises, bearing the tremors of unreason and being for the sake of being that flutters inside perfect boxes. With each contradiction a door opens into a fierce understanding, unexplained but replete with consequences. Reaching the presence of thought devoured by the body, in its spiritual cannibalism, is accompanied by voices that disrupt the language in order to speak, they have a resonance that only through the teeth cuts to the extensive scream and silence when it is necessary to be silent, like a resentful wind with the one who keeps losing his breath.
After more than 10 years of working with the figure of the demons, Renard presents a series of pictorial work around them trying, as usual in his line of thought, not to make a portrait or a formalization of an entity but to reveal and disfigure the forces of this to take it to consequences that are reflected in the corporeal.
–Galería Enrique Guerrero