-> Feb 5 – Apr 4
Almanaque fotográfica presents Ofrenda, a group exhibition of contemporary photography, sculpture and design, with works by Federica Belli, Jean-François Bouchard, Persia Campbell, Tyler Goldflower, Amanda Holmes & Renato Miller, Dana Salvo, Bob y Pim Schalkwijk, Fernanda Roel y Mara Sánchez-Renero.
Life is just like this
a mere moment at your side,
close to you, oh Author of Life:
to be presented I came,
here, over this ground.
No one will remain!
Quetzal feathers torn to shreds,
paintings raze off the ground,
& flowers, they collapse.
Everything shall be moved there
Then, to the house of Sun!
Yet, my flowers will not end,
my songs will not lie:
I raise them up:
A singer only I am.
Shared they are, touted they are,
the flowers glow
hitherto they are offered
inside a mansion of golden feathers!
— Nezahualcóyotl
-> More expos in the area