Magdalena Kluth

Magdalena Kluth

Chromatic Confluence - Delving into our emotional interconnectedness


-> May 16 2024 – Jun 12 2024

Revuelta Galería

today open 4:00PM 11:00PM

Revuelta Galería presents the exhibition by Magdalena Kluth Confluencia Cromática - Sumergirse en interconexiones emocionales.

Coming together. This exhibition invites us to celebrate the beauty found within the tension of the idea of "brokenness" and interconnectedness. Looking at the various depths, layers, and facets of our relationships, emphasizing the importance of fostering community and meaningful connections.

The process behind Magdalena Kluth’s work is a constant dance between letting go and regaining control. Painting with mostly natural materials, she is guiding how they interact while also allowing each artwork develop on its own before reshaping it again. Kluth’s paintings are a reminder that true growth often emerges from moments of vulnerability and trust.

Through strong colors and intricate textures, Kluth's artwork is a reflection of life's constant ebb and flow—where everything comes and goes, separates and reconnects, dies and is reborn. She reminds us of the importance of setting ourselves free by transcending ego and truly seeing one another.

— Revuelta Galería


Magdalena Kluth, info@magdalenakluth.com, WHATSAPP: +49 178 8251641

y Chuy Perez, cultural@revueltaqh.com, +52 55 1696 5052