Daniela Bojórquez Vértiz

Daniela Bojórquez Vértiz



-> Oct 28 2023 – Jan 13 2024


today open 11:00AM 6:00PM

Lateral presents Paranoidiaries by Daniela Bojórquez Vértiz.

Paranoidiaries brings together a long-term body of work, developed by Daniela Bojórquez Vértiz, in different cities around the world. Starting from a hypothetical situation, this photographic diary unfolds the gaze of a character who witnesses everyday situations, endowed with a disturbing strangeness, awakening the suspicion that something happened / is happening / will happen. Even knowing that photography lies, in this exhibition we attend its encounter to believe it, to scrutinize the stories that are whispered among grasses, bushes and dry leaves. Whether as a spectator or as a witness, we are faced with a series of images full of a darkening landscape. We participate in it by witnessing an act revealed in space, both in the represented and in the one that we conceive as real. A window opens, and something happens out there […]

Daniela Bojórquez Vértiz works with photography, books, installation, text and other media in constant dialogue of signs. Her work has been presented in Mexico, Germany, Colombia, Spain, Peru, Italy, Ecuador and France. His work belongs to various collections and has been selected for the Photography Biennial of the Centro de la Imagen, the Visual Arts Biennial of Tijuana, the International Artist's Book Fair, Guadalajara, the Arte Laguna Prize in Venice and the PH Museum in Bologna, Italy. . Acquisition Award in the 8th. Visual Arts Biennial of the Iberoamerican University of Puebla. She has carried out artistic residencies in France, Spain and Finland. She was part of the SOMA Educational Program, completed the complete program of the Active School of Photography, studied literary creation at SOGEM and completed studies at the ICP, among others. She received a FONCA Young Creators scholarship in two broadcasts. She has published 5 books, including: Óptica sangre (Tumbona, 2015), Roma 13- 24 (ESPAC, 2nd Ed. 2021) and Pictorial Turn hahaha (Gato Negro, 2022). Member of the National System of Art Creators, Mexico.

— Lateral